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Tag: Health Insurance

Should I Have More Than One Health Insurance Policy?

It is not an unusual situation for a person to have coverage under more than one health insurance policy. For example, this often happens with spouses who have their own health insurance through their employers and are also covered through their spouses’ employers. Employees age 65 and older may have Medicare in addition to employer-sponsored health insurance. Retirees may have employer-sponsored retiree insurance, plus Medicare...

Easy Home Workouts For Better Health

There is no denying the health and beauty benefits of exercise. But what if you’re not ready to commit to a gym membership or invest in expensive equipment that takes up space in your home? You can still get in shape from the comfort of your own home, with a series of easy exercises, using whatever you have available. Leg Lifts Lie on your back...

What Should I Do If My Co-Workers Start Getting Sick?

Flu season is upon us, and too many people are showing up for work sick. Perhaps they have deadlines to meet or simply cannot afford to miss an important meeting. Or maybe they missed that part in science class when the germ theory was covered. Regardless of the reason, the problem remains the same. Sick co-workers spread germs around and put others at risk for...

Healthier Comfort Food Alternatives

It is no secret that many people turn to comfort food in times of stress, loneliness, or rejection (such as Ben & Jerry’s directly from the carton after a breakup). Comfort foods can be described as foods that provide consolation or a feeling of well-being. They give us emotional comfort heightened by our senses of taste, touch, and smell. They are more likely to be...

Should I Offer My Employees Health Insurance Or 401(k) First?

It is an employees’ market today, which makes it a challenge to find the best talent. Once you get them on board, the next challenge is retention. Offering a great employee benefits package is one of the best ways to keep your best employees. Although there is some cost to the company, providing a range of employee benefits helps keep your business stable. If you...
